The Cantonments Act, 2006
ACT NO. 41 OF 2006
An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to the administration of cantonments with a view to impart greater democratisation, and improvement of their financial base to make provisions for developmental activities and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
- Short title, extent and commencement.
- Definitions.
- Alteration of limits of cantonments.
- The effect of including area in cantonment.
- Disposal of cantonment fund and cantonment development fund when area ceases to be a
cantonment. - Disposal of cantonment fund and cantonment development fund when area ceases to be included
in a cantonment. - Application of funds and property transferred under sections 6 and 7.
- Limitation of operation of Act.
Boards - Cantonment Board.
- Incorporation of Cantonment Board.
- Constitution of Cantonment of Boards.
- Power to vary constitution of Boards in special circumstances.
- Term of office of members.
- Filling of vacancies.
- Vacancies in special cases.
- Oath or affirmation.
- Resignation.
- President and Vice-President.
- Term of office of Vice-President.
- Duties of President.
- Duties of Vice-President.
- Allowances to Vice-President and members.
- Appointment of Chief Executive Officer.
- Duties of Chief Executive Officer.
- Special power of Chief Executive Officer.
Elections - Electoral rolls.
- Qualification of electors.
- Qualification for being a member of the Board.
- Interpretation.
- Power to make rules regulating elections.
Members - Member not to vote on matter in which he is interested.
- Liability of members.
- Removal of members.
- Consequences of removal.
- Member of the Board to be deemed a public servant.
Employees - Disqualification of person as an employee of Board.
- Cantonment employee to be deemed a public servant.
Procedure - Meetings.
- Business to be transcted.
- Quorum.
- Presiding Officer.
- Minutes.
- Meetings to be public.
- Method of deciding questions.
- Civil area.
- Committees for civil areas.
- Power to make regulations.
- Joint action with other local authority.
- Report on administration.
Control - Power of Central Government to require production of documents.
- Inspection.
- Power to call for documents.
- Power to require execution of work, etc.
- Power to provide for enforcement of direction under section 54.
- Power to override decision of Board.
- Power of Central Government to review.
- Power of General Officer Commanding-in-Chief, the Command, on reference under section 56 or
otherwise. - Power of Central Government on a reference made under section 56.
- Supersession of Board.
Validity of proceedings - Validity of proceedings, etc.
- Power to manage property.
- Discretionary functions of Board.
- Power of expenditure of educational, health and other purposes outside the cantonment.
Imposition of taxation - General power of taxation.
- Charging of fees.
- Norms of property tax.
- Framing of preliminary proposals.
- Objections and disposal thereof.
- Imposition of tax.
- Power of Central Government to issue directions to the Board.
- Definition of “annual rateable value”.
- Incidence of taxation.
Assessment list - Assessment list.
- Revision of assessment list.
- Authentication of assessment list.
- Evidential value of assessment list.
- Amendment of assessment list.
- Preparation of new assessment list.
- Notice of transfers.
- Notice of erection of buildings.
Remission and refund - Demolition, etc., of buildings.
- Remission of tax.
- Power to require entry in assessment list of details of buildings.
- Notice to be given of the circumstances in which remission or refund is claimed.
- What buildings, etc., are to be deemed vacant.
- Notice to be given of every occupation of vacant building or house.
Charge on immovable property - Tax on buildings and land to be a charge thereon.
Octroi, terminal tax and toll - Inspection of imported goods, octroi, terminal tax and toll, etc.
- Power to seize, etc.
- Lease of octroi, terminal tax or toll.
Appeals - Appeals against assessment.
- Costs of appeal.
- Recovery of costs from Board.
- Conditions of right to appeal.
- Finality of appellate orders.
Payment and recovery of taxes - Time and manner of payment of taxes.
- Public notice for taxes due.
- Notice of demand.
- Recovery of tax.
- Interest payable on taxes due.
- Distress.
- Disposal of distrained property.
- Attachment and sale of immovable property.
- Recovery from a person about to leave cantonment and refund of surplus sale proceeds, if any.
- Power to institute suit for recovery.
Special provisions relating to taxation, etc. - Board to be a Municipality for taxation purposes.
- Payment to be made to a Board as service charges by Central Government or State Government.
- Power to be make special provision for conservancy in certain cases.
- Exemption in case of buildings.
- General power of exemption.
- Exemption of poor persons.
- Composition.
- Irrecoverable debts.
- Obligation to disclose liability.
- Immaterial error not to affect liability.
- Distraint not to be invalid by reason of immaterial defect.
Cantonment fund and cantonment development fund - Cantonment fund and cantonment development fund.
- Custody of cantonment fund and cantonment development fund.
- Power of Board to borrow money.
Property - Property.
- Application of cantonment fund, cantonment development fund and property.
- Acquisition of immovable property.
- Power to make rules regarding cantonment fund, cantonment development fund and property.
CONTRACTS - Contracts by whom to be executed.
- Sanction.
- Execution of contract.
- Contracts improperly executed not to be binding on a Board.
Sanitary authorities - Responsibility for sanitation.
- General duties of Health Officer.
Conservancy and sanitation - Public latrines, urinals and conservancy establishments.
- Duty of occupier to collect and desposit rubbish, etc.
- Power of Board to undertake private conservancy arrangement.
- Deposits and disposal of rubbish, etc.
- Cesspools, receptacles, for filth, etc.
- Filling up of tank, etc.
- Provision of latrines, etc.
- Sanitation in factories, etc.
- Private latrines.
- Special provisions for collection of rubbish and solid waste management.
- Removal of congested buildings.
- Overcrowding of dwelling houses.
- Power to require repair or alternation of building.
- Power to require land or building to be cleansed.
- Prohibition in respect of air pollutant.
- Power to order disuse of house.
- Removal of noxious vegetation.
- Agriculture and irrigation.
Burial and burning grounds - Power to call for information regarding burial and burning grounds.
- Permission for use of new burial or burning ground.
- Power to require closing of burial or burning ground.
- Exemption from operation of sections 150 to 152.
- Removal of corpses.
Prevention of infectious, contagious or communicable diseases - Obligation concerning infectious, contagious o communicable diseases.
- Blood Bank.
- Special measures in case of outbreak of infectious or epidemic diseases.
- Power to require names of a dairyman‟s customers.
- Power to require names of a washerman‟s customers.
- Power to require names of patients or customers of a medical practitioner or paramedical
workers. - Report after inspection of dairy or washerman or medical practitioner‟s place of business.
- Action on report submitted by Health Officer.
- Examination of milk, washed clothes or needles, syringes, etc.
- Contamination of public conveyance.
- Disinfection of public conveyance.
- Penalty for failure to report.
- Driver of conveyance not bound to carry person suffering from infectious or contagious disease.
- Disinfection of building or articles therein.
- Destruction of infectious hut or shed.
- Temporary shelter for inmates of disinfected or destroyed buildings or shed.
- Disinfection of building before letting the same.
- Disposal of infected article without disinfection.
- Means of disinfection.
- Marking or selling of food, etc., or washing clothes by infected person.
- Power to restrict or prohibit sale of food or drink.
- Control over wells, tanks, etc.
- Disposal of infectious corpse.
Hospitals and dispensaries - Maintenance or aiding of hospitals or dispensaries.
- Medical supplies, appliances, etc.
- Free patients.
- Paying patients.
- Power to order person to attend hospital or dispensary.
- Power to exclude from cantonment persons refusing to attend hospital or dispensary.
Control of traffic for hygienic purposes - Routes for pilgrims and others.
Special conditious regarding essential services - Conditions of service of Safai Karamcharis and others.
Water-supply - Maintenance of water-supply.
- Terms of water-supply.
- Board to carry out survey and formulate proposals.
- Control over sources of public water-supply.
- Power to require maintenance or closing of private source of public drinking water-supply.
- Supply of water.
- Power to require water-supply to be taken.
- Supply of water under agreement.
- Board not liable for failure of supply.
- Conditions of universal application.
- Supply to persons outside cantonment.
- Penalty.
Water, drainage and other connections - Power of Board to lay wires, connections, etc.
- Wires, etc., laid above surface of ground.
- Connection with main not be made without permission.
- Power to prescribe ferrules and establish meters, etc.
- Power of inspection.
- Power to fix rates and charges.
Application of this Chapter to Government water-supplies - Government water-supply.
- Water supply for domestic consumption.
- Recovery of charges.
- Supply of water from Government water-supply to the Board.
- Functions of the Board in relation to distribution of bulk supply.
- Special provisions concerning drainage and sewage.
- Construction of and control of drains and sewage collection and disposal works.
- Certain matters not to be passed into cantonments drains.
- Application by owners and occupiers to drain into cantonment drains.
- Drainage of undrained premises.
- New premises not be erected without drains.
- Power to drain group or block of premises by combined operations.
- Power to close or limit the use of private drains in certain cases.
- Use of drain by a person other than the owner.
- Sewage and rain water drains to be distinct.
- Power to require owner to carry out certain works for satisfactory drainage.
- Appointment of places for the emptying of drains and collection of sewage.
Miscellaneous - Connection with water works and drains not to be made without permission.
- Buildings, railways and private streets not to be erected or constructed over drains or water
works without permission. - Rights or user of property for aqueducts, lines, etc.
- Power of owner of premises to place pipes and drains through land belonging to other persons.
- Power to require railway level, etc., to be raised or lowered.
- Power to execute work after giving notice to the person liable.
- Power to affix shafts, etc., for ventilation of drain or cesspool.
- Power to examine and test drains, etc., believed to be defective.
- Bulk delivery of sewage by the Board.
- Employment of Government agencies for repair, etc.
- Works to be done by licensed plumber.
- Prohibition of certain acts.
TOWN PLANNING AND CONTROL OVER BUILDING, ETC. - Preparation of land use plan.
- Sanction for building.
- Notice of new buildings.
- Conditions of valid notice.
- Powers of Board under certain sections exercisable by Chief Executive Officer.
- Power of Board to sanction or refuse.
- Order of stoppage of building or works in certain cases and disposal of things removed.
- Power to sanction general scheme for prevention of overcrowding, etc.
- Compensation.
- Completion notice.
- Lapse of sanction.
- Restrictions on use of buildings.
- Period for completion of building.
- Completion certificate.
- Illegal erection and re-erection.
- Power to stop erection or re-erection or to demolish.
- Power to seal unauthorised constructions.
- Courts not to entertain proceedings in certain cases.
- Power to make bye-laws.
- Prohibition of structures or fixtures which cause obstruction in streets.
- Unauthorised buildings over drains, etc.
- Drainage and sewer connections.
- Power to attach brackets for lamps and other accessories.
- Maintenance of Roads.
Streets - Temporary occupation of street, land, etc.
- Closing and opening of streets.
- Names of streets and numbers of buildings.
- Group Housing Schemes.
- Boundary walls, hedges and fences.
- Felling, lopping and trimming or trees.
- Digging of public land.
- Improper use of land.
MARKET, SLAUGHTER-HOUSES, TRADES AND OCCUPATIONS - Public markers and slaughter-houses.
- Use of public market.
- Power to transfer by public auction, etc.
- Stallages, rents, etc., to be published.
- Private markets and slaughter-houses.
- Conditions of grant of licence for private market or slaughter-house.
- Penalty for keeping market or slaughter-house open without licence, etc.
- Penalty for using unlicensed market or slaughter-house.
- Prohibition and restriction of use of slaughter-house.
- Power to inspect slaughter-houses.
- Power to regulate certain activities.
Trades and occupations - Provision of washing places.
- Licences required for carrying on of certain occupations.
- Power to stop use of premises used in contravention of licences.
- Conditions that may be attached to licences.
General Provisions - Power to vary licence.
- Carrying on trade, etc., without licence or in contravention of section 280.
- Feeding animals on dirt, etc.
Entry, inspection and seizure - Powers of entry and seizure.
Import of cattle and flesh - Import of cattle and flesh.
SPIRITUOUS LIQUORS AND INTOXICATING DRUGS - Unauthorised sale of spirituous liquor or intoxicating drug.
- Unauthorised possession of spirituous liquor.
- Arrest of persons and seizure and confiscation of things for offences against the two last
foregoing sections. - Saving of articles sold or supplied for medicinal purposes.
General Nuisances - Penalty for causing nuisances.
Dogs - Registration and control of dogs.
Traffic - Traffic rule of the road.
Prevention of fire, etc. - Use of inflammable materials for buildings purposes.
- Stacking or collecting inflammable materials.
- Care of naked lights.
- Regulation of cinematographic and dramatic performances.
- Discharging fire-works, fire-arms, etc.
- Power to require buildings, wells, etc., to be rendered safe.
- Enclosure of wasteland used for improper purposes.
- Penalty for loitering and importuning for purposes of prostitution.
- Removal of persons from cantonment.
- Removal and exclusion from cantonment of disorderly persons.
- Removal and exclusion from cantonment of seditious persons.
- Penalty.
Entry and inspection - Powers of entry.
- Power of inspection by member of a Board.
- Power of inspection, etc.
- Power to enter land, adjoining land where work is in progress.
- Breaking into premises.
- Entry to be made in the day time.
- Owner‟s consent ordinarily to be obtained.
- Regard to be had to social and religious usages.
- Penalty for obstruction.
Powers and duties of police officers - Arrest without warrant.
- Duties of police officers.
Notices - Notices to fix reasonable time.
- Authentication and validity of notices issued by Board.
- Service of notice, etc.
- Method of giving notice.
- Powers of Board in case of non-compliance with notice, etc.
- Occupier not to obstruct owner when complying with notice.
Recovery of Money - Liability of occupier to play in default of owner.
- Relief to Agents and Trustees.
- Method of recovery.
Committees of Arbitration - Application for a Committee of Arbitration.
- Procedure for convening Committee of Arbitration.
- Constitution of the Committee of Arbitration.
- No person to be nominated who has direct interest or whose services are not immediately
available. - Meetings and powers of Committee or Arbitration.
- Decisions of Committee of Arbitration.
Prosecutions - Prosecutions.
- Composition of offence.
General Penalty Provisions - General penalty.
- Offences by companies.
- Cancellation or suspension of licences, etc.
- Recovery of amount payable in respect of damage to cantonment property.
Limitation - Limitation for prosecution.
Suits - Protection of action of Board, etc.
- Notice to be given of suits.
Appeals and Revision - Appeals from executive orders.
- Petition of Appeal.
- Suspension of Action Pending Appeal.
- Revision.
- Finality of the Appellate Orders.
- Right of appellant to be heard.
RULES AND BYE-LAWS - Power to make rules.
- Supplemental provisions respecting rules.
- Power to make bye-laws.
- Penalty for breach of bye-laws.
- Supplemental provisions regarding bye-laws and regulations.
- Rules and bye-laws to be available for inspection and purchase.
SUPPLEMENTAL PROVISIONS - Extension of certain provisions of the Act and rules to place beyond cantonments.
- Power to delegate functions to the President, etc.
- Registration.
- Validity of notices and other documents.
- Admissibility of document or entry as evidence.
- Evidence by officer or employee of the Board.
- Application of Act 4 of 1899.
- Power to remove difficulties.
- Repeals and savings.