Misuse of power by Privileged and Harassment of Underprivileged classes
Written By:– Aayushi Singh
Meaning of Privilege:
A special right or advantage that only one person or group has. A special advantage or opportunity that gives you an advantage or opportunity that gives you great pleasure.
Privilege is related to our social class society based on things like income, occupation, and education level. Class privilege revolves around our access to resources like money. People within different social classes share several characteristics, generally speaking. Namely, they tend to have similar levels of education, similar types of occupations, and similar levels of access to things like health care.
Simply put, money provides us with the opportunity for things like better housing and schooling. Class privilege allows us to live in better neighbourhoods, drive a nicer cars, and afford medical care if we get sick or hurt. Class privilege also says something about our group membership. For example, upper or middle-class residents can lobby their local politicians for more benefits without looking like they want a hand-out, as one tends to assume people from lower classes are doing.
Privilege is often taken for granted or invisible, meaning we have a hard time seeing it when we have it, and we have a hard time seeing when others don’t have the privilege. Privileged education, in private schools, provides the platform for future unassailable confidence, disarming sincerity, captivating charm, and understated authority. It also makes for articulate and confident individuals with high self-esteem.
The combination of parental aspirations, family resources, and excellent education lays a firm foundation for later success. Children’s levels of achievement are usually closely linked to their parents’ background. The privileged background of many elected representatives also argues that many advantages are inherited rather than inherent.
We can say that those who have privilege are; upper class, politicians, and those who belong to the higher authority, who work at a higher level or the people who belong to a rich family. People who are politicians or government employees have a privilege as a certain entitlement to the immunity granted by the state or another authority to a restricted group, these can be revoked in certain circumstances. A special privilege granted as by law or constitution to an individual or group to the exclusion of others and for the common right introduced a bill that would provide for special privileges such as tariff and other subsidies to domestic corporations the board.
Privileges are granted to the people who are in higher authority and belongs to a higher class. Sometimes they also misuse that power for their betterment for their upliftment and also try to surprise the lower class people.
Underprivileged People:
Someone underprivileged who doesn’t have the advantages other people have. Underprivileged people are living in poverty they are poor people. A privilege is a right or an advantage, and people who are underprivileged having to lack such rights and advantages peoples who are underprivileged also don’t get proper educations; because of lack of education and knowledge they often don’t get jobs for their betterment higher authority always surprise lower people and because of lack knowledge they are not able to fulfil their dreams.
Those peoples are don’t have money not able to pay for their healthy food, or good medical care. Underprivileged people often go to the worst schools too, which is one of the disadvantages.
Misuse of power by Privileged and Harassment of Underprivileged Class:
Abuse of power or abuse of authority in the form of malfeasance in office or misconduct is the common thing of unlawful conduct, done in an official capacity, which affects all the official capability. In any successful business, there will be certain people who have more power than others. If wielded appropriately, power can positively influence others. If misused, power manifests as dictatorial and bullying behaviour Abuse of power in the workplace also is used to promote self-interests rather than what’s best for the team. In your policy manual, define acceptable and unacceptable behaviours. Be specific about the type of behaviours that stem from the misuse of power. State that it is forbidden and that the consequences include termination.
Misuse of power at workplaces: Power and corruption seem to have a complex and bidirectional relationship. In societies that accept corruption as part of life, power appears to attract the corrupt and those in power encourage corruption. People who are at higher authority always have some special power; they are often also used in a manner that also discourages people who belong to the lower class.
We have often seen many cases regarding misuse of power, harassment in workplaces. The higher authority always used this power in terms of their benefits and try to minimise other people chances. People who have privilege are well being or belong to high-class families. Underprivileged people are mainly those who belong to the lower class don’t have enough education or knowledge they are poor people. They don’t get enough things for their livelihood. Government should work on this for their betterment.
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