1st National Poster Making Prize Competition

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  • Reading time:10 mins read

1st National Poster Making Prize Competition by Origin26 Law Labs

Table of Contents

About the Company

Origin26 Law Labs is a Legal content creator and aggregator which aims to simplify the learning and application of law in India. The Company strives to build a strong virtual tribe of law students and lawyers where young legal minds are accepted and valued. With a mission of raising awareness of the law and its devices amongst the masses, Origin26 Law Labs regularly publishes content that is relevant to the day-to-day life of the common citizen. With a vision of impacting the public and legal community, Origin26 Law Labs seeks to leave a significant footprint across legal institutions in India.

About the Competition

With an initiative to spread legal awareness and educate the general masses by employing the law student community and harnessing the power and reach of social media, @origin26_law_labs presents LEGIT CIRCLE 2022, 1st National Poster Making Prize Competition.

The institution of law is an intricate one – engulfed by verbose language and complex procedures, navigating the law is no cakewalk for an individual trained in the law, let alone a common man. Here’s calling upon law students to take an opportunity to demystify, decode and simplify the law for the community – legal and otherwise. Get your creative hats on and send us your best posters which inform, educate and decode the law in a simple yet elegant way and employ all the tricks in your bag – tables,
flowcharts and mindmaps. For the creative ones, the possibilities are endless!

Here’s an opportunity to share those little sparks of joy or ever-lasting moments of frustration using POSTERS – a cultural revolution that has united us all social media users! Welcoming all and any memes that revolve around and capture the law, the joys and struggles of life of a law student/lawyer and our daily tussles with it!


The participant can choose any topic related to LAW and various nuances attached to the Legal Field. The participant can check out @origin26_law_labs for references and examples, if needed.


The Competition is open to all students enrolled in an undergraduate or postgraduate program in law in all recognized Universities across India.

Registration Fees

There is no registration fee for the Competition.

Submission Guidelines

  • To participate in the Competition, interested students must submit their entry using the Google Link: https://forms.gle/QwMPE4vistugf2Wu5 by 26th November, 2022, 23:59 Hours (Indian Standard Time). Late submissions will not be accepted under any circumstances.
  • All entries must be submitted in English language only.
  • Only one entry is allowed per participant. Any student found submitting multiple entries shall be blacklisted from the Competition and all entries received from such participant shall not be considered for the purposes of the Competition.
  • The entries must promote healthy humour and must not bear any unparliamentry and/or obscene content.If it is not safe to view or share at work, it should not feature in an entry.
  • No part of the entry should bear any form of identification of the participant.
  • The entry can be in the form of threads up to a maximum of 5 having the same topic.
  • The entry must be submitted in .JPEG (or JPG) or .docx or.PNG format ONLY.
  • The entry must be original and bona fide work of the participant and should not contain any watermark.
  • The entry should not be submitted to any other Competition or have been previously submitted/posted elsewhere on social media. Fresh entries alone are accepted.

Other Rules

  • By participating in the Competition, the participants agree to indemnify the Organizer from and against all claims, suits and damages based on any claim of copyright infringement or plagiarism or unauthorized use.
  • The shortlisted entries shall be the property of the Organizer, which reserves the right of publication of the same on social media as it may deem appropriate, without providing any royalty or compensation.
  • The shortlisted participants and winners of the Competition authorize the Organizer to use their names, entries and Instagram handles for the purpose of publicizing the Competition and its results.
  • The decision of the Organizer in regards to the entries, shortlisting thereof and/or any matters in respect to the conduct of the Competition shall be final and binding.

Judging Criteria

  • The entries received from 26th October, 2022 through 26th November, 2022. shall be reviewed and shortlisted by the Organizer.
  • Shortlisted entries shall be posted on the Organizer’s official Instagram handle @origin26_law_labs on 1st December, 2022 along with due credits to the participant.
  • The shortlisted entries shall be open to the public between 1st December, 2022 and 10th December, 2022.
  • The participant will be judged based on the maximum number of Likes on one’s post, along with an added benefit for Shares and Saves.
  • The results will be declared on the basis of ‘Likes’ a particular post receives. The Likes shall be counted up until 10th December, 2022, 23:59 Hours (Indian Standard Time). In case of a tie, ‘Saves’ and ‘Shares’ on Instagram will be considered.

Cash Prizes/Rewards

  • FIRST PRIZE– Cash prize of INR 2000/-E-Certificate of Appreciation and an opportunity to collaborate in the future with Origin26 Law Labs
  • SECOND PRIZE- Cash prize of INR 1500/-E-Certificate of Appreciation and an opportunity to collaborate in the future with Origin26 Law Labs
  • THIRD PRIZE- Cash prize of INR 1000/-E-Certificate of Appreciation and an opportunity to collaborate in the future with Origin26 Law Labs
  • FOURTH TO TENTH PLACE (4-10)- Cash prize of INR 500/-E-Certificate of Appreciation and an opportunity to collaborate in the future with Origin26 Law Labs

Important Dates And Deadlines

  • Commencement of the Competition- 26th October 2022
  • Deadline to submit Entries- 26th November 2022
  • Posting of Shortlisted content on Instagram- 1st December, 2022
  • Deadline for counting of Likes, Shares and Saves- 10th December, 2022
  • Results declared- 15th December, 2022


In case of any queries, Kindly reach out to us at admin@origin26lawlabs.com
Phone number:+91-89259 39995, +91-89259 39994

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1st National Poster Making Prize Competition