2nd Edition on International E-Conference on Consumer Rights: Issues and Challenges in the New Era

2nd Edition on International E-Conference on Consumer Rights: Issues and Challenges in the New Era

Table of Contents

About Consumer Assisto

‘Consumer Assisto’ suggests assisting consumers in every possible manner. The ideology behind this project is to provide legal assistance to consumers and create content of all legislation and case laws that everyone shall access. To create awareness of the rights of consumers among midst general public.

This project aims to help people and also provide pro-bono services. With the help of this project, we will try to reach out to the general public who need legal assistance and reduce the exploitation of consumers.

About The Conference

2nd Edition of the International Conference on “Consumer Rights: Issues and Challenges” aims to bring together professionals, academicians, researchers, research scholars, and students to exchange and share their experiences and research facets of Consumer Protection Law and Regulations. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners, and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted especially in the fields of Consumer Protection Laws and their rights.

This will not only provide a platform for academicians, practitioners, presenters, etc. to share their views on the concept but also provide an opportunity for the participants to understand the concept in detail along with their rights and responsibilities as a consumer in the new era.

Main Theme Of The Conference

Consumers need to be able to obtain accurate, unbiased information about the products and services they purchase. There are a number of products in the market that are injurious to the health of the consumer, adulteration, false weights, monopoly and unfair trade practice hence are some of the issues that need to be tackled and become more important be addressed to protect the consumers against it.

This will enable them to make the best choices based on their interests and prevents them from being mistreated or misled by businesses. Consumer protection policies, laws, and regulations help increase consumer welfare by ensuring that businesses can be held accountable. Also, Consumer protection contributes to dynamic and effective markets for businesses to grow. Consumer demand drives innovation and economic development as businesses are required to maintain fair prices and good quality of their products and services.

Sub-Themes Of The Conference

(Note: The Sub-themes are suggestive and do not restrict or confine the scope)

  • History and development of Consumer Rights
  • Consumer rights and Human Rights
  • Mediation and Consumer Protection
  • Consumer Education and Consumer Movement: The Role of
  • Civil Groups E- Consumerism: Problems and Perspectives
  • International Consumer Protection Framework & Policy
  • Consumer as victims
  • New developments in consumer protection
  • Jurisprudential and conceptual dimensions of consumerism
  • Consumerism in International integration of E-commerce
  • Misleading advertisements and Law
  • Consumer’s rights in the Digital Era
  • Analysis of the provisions of the Consumer Protection Act
  • 2019
  • Role of regulatory authorities
  • Comparative Analysis of the Consumer Protection
  • framework: India & other countries Misleading
  • Advertisement and its implications
  • Impact of Covid-19 on the rights of consumers
  • New Age Contemporary Issues & Challenges

Submission Guidelines


  1. The abstract shall not exceed 300 words. It should include the Title of the Paper, Keywords, the Presenter’s Name, Designation, Institutional Affiliation, Contact Number, and Email ID.
  2. The abstract should be typed in Times New Roman, font size 12 with 1.5 line spacing.
  3. The abstract shall be submitted through the registration link only. All submissions should be uploaded in .doc/.docx format only.
  4. Co-authorship is limited to a maximum of two authors.
  5. Intimation for acceptance/improvisation will be provided within 2-3 working days from the last date of the submission of an abstract.

Full Paper

  1. The length of the full paper including tables, diagrams, illustrations, references, etc. should be 3000-8000 words. The paper should be typed in Times New Roman, font size 12 with 1.5 line spacing. Headings to be in bold with font size 14.
  2. The footnotes must be typed in Times New Roman, font size 10 with single spacing. A margin of 1 inch on all sides must be maintained throughout the paper.
  3. Bluebook 20th Edition/APA shall be strictly followed for Footnoting and referencing.
  4. The Full Paper should be submitted upon selection of the Abstract and shall be submitted through Google Form (The link will be shared via Email to selected Abstracts) along with the certificate of originality duly filled by the presenter(s). All submissions should be sent in .doc/.docx format only.
  5. The title of the manuscript shall be followed by the name of the author(s), the Name of the University/Institution, and the E-mail address.

Best Paper & Presentation

  • The best Presentation will be acknowledged from each session. Certificates and Free Registration shall be given to winners in Knowledge Steez or in any wing courses worth rupees 3000.
  • All the participants shall be provided with E-certificates.

Submission Deadlines

  • Last Date of Registration for attendees: 30th November 2022
  • Abstract Submission Deadline: 30th November 2022
  • Full Paper Submission Deadline: 15th December 2022
  • Date of Conference: 24th December 2022

Notification of Acceptance/Improvisation: Within five working days of the submission of the abstract/paper.


Faculty members, Research scholars, professionals, and students are eligible to participate.

Paper Presentation Guidelines

Presenters are solely responsible for the creation of their presentations. The presentation should be based on the approved/accepted paper but may include updates and related additional content.

Only the listed presenters may present their papers.

For a successful and productive conference, all presenters should adhere to the following guidelines:

  • PowerPoint Presentation (PPT) is encouraged for presentation at the conference. If giving PowerPoint Presentation (PPT), the presenter(s) should save their presentation in .pdf or .ppt format and present it through the screen sharing mode.
  • All presentations are to be in English. The presenter(s) should be able to understand and respond to audience questions in English.
  • Presentations should be of 8-10 minutes which shall be inclusive of 3 minutes for questions.
  • Participants need to join the session 15 minutes before it begins and be well-prepared for the presentation. Any unnecessary delay on part of the participant might lead to disqualification.
  • It is suggested for the presenter(s)/ attendee(s) dress professionally.

General Information

  1. In case of any query, kindly reach us by writing an email to consumer.assisto@gmail.com
  2. All the Participants shall be required to present their research papers on 24th December 2022. through Zoom/Google Meet.
  3. All the participants shall be provided with E-certificates only on their registered e-mail id.

Registration Details

Link for registration of Attendees and Author/Co-Author (+Abstract Submission):
Registration Fee: FREE

Organizing Committee Members

Faculty Convenor:

  • Dr. Mayank Kapila, Assistant Professor (Law), B.R. Ambedkar Bihar University, Muzaffarpur
  • Ms. Swati Kaushal, Assistant Professor, DME, School of Law (Affiliated to GGSIPU)

Student Convenors:

  • Ms. Harsha Agrawal: +91 7042743125
  • Ms. Harshita Agarwal: +91 9997707111
  • Mr. Sanidhya Kulshrestha: +91 7070960888

Contact Us

Email Id: consumer.assisto@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/consumerassisto
Website: www.consumerassisto.com

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2nd Edition on International E-Conference, International E-Conference 2nd Edition