KnowLaw Journal on Socio-Legal and Contemporary Research is calling for papers for its Volume 1 Issue 2, to be submitted by October 09, 2021.
About KnowLaw Journal
KnowLaw Journal on Socio-Legal and Contemporary Research is the flagship journal of KnowLaw, established with the objective of promoting academic research and fostering debate on contemporary legal issues. The Journal follows a collaborative, double-blind peer-review process, focusing on socio-legal and contemporary writing. The remit of the journal is not restricted to any particular field of law but is broad enough to include national as well as international socio-legal and contemporary affairs. The Journal keeps its scope wide open to accommodate all fields of law, national as well as international. With an aim to provide the readers with legal opinions and analysis. The Journal provides its readers with an avenue to stay updated on legal developments all around the world. The platform also provides students as well as professionals an opportunity to exchange ideas and share their thoughts and knowledge with the rest of the world.
KnowLaw Journal focuses on all issues pertaining to Law, Society, Politics, and Economics.
Submission Guidelines
- The title of the manuscript should be appropriate.
- The manuscript shall be original and unpublished.
- The Manuscript must be accompanied by an Abstract.
- The manuscript should not be plagiarized and should be free from any grammatical, spelling, and other errors.
- Co-Authorship is allowed subject to a maximum of Two Authors.
- Full names of all the authors along with their contact details and designation must be given.
- Any uniform method may be followed.
- The body of the manuscript shall be in Times New Roman, Font 12, with 1.5 line spacing. Footnotes should be in
- Times New Roman, Font 10, single line spacing.
- A Margin of an inch shall be left on all sides of the paper.
- Page Borders, Headers, and Footers shall not be used.
- The Manuscript shall be in MS Word Format.
Word Limit
- Articles: 3000-6000 words excluding footnotes
- Short Articles: 1500-3000 words excluding footnotes
- Book Reviews: 1000-2000 words excluding footnotes
- Case Commentaries: 1000-3000 words excluding footnotes
Processing/Publication Charges
There are no publication or hidden charges.
How to Submit?
Submissions are invited from academicians, research scholars, students, practitioners, and professors from any recognized university. Interested authors may mail their original and unpublished papers to with the subject ‘KnowLaw – Volume 1 Issue 2’.
October 09, 2021
Contact Details
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WhatsApp Number: 9996520356
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