International Workshop on Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in Outer Space

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  • Reading time:8 mins read

One Day International Workshop on Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in Outer Space (virtual) on 25th March 2022.

About The University

MNLU Mumbai is one of the premier national law universities located in the economic capital of India. It offers graduate, postgraduate, and research degrees in law and allied disciplines. The object of the university is to advance and disseminate learning and knowledge of the law and legal processes and their role in national development.

About The Organisers

DPIIT IRP Chair, MNLU Mumbai

Department for Promotion of Industries and Internal Trade (DPIIT), Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India, launched a Scheme for Pedagogy & Research in IPRs for Holistic Education & Academia (SPRIHA) in the year 2016 under which IPR Chairs have been set up in select universities and academic institutes. This was in accordance with section 7.2 of the National IPR Policy launched by the Government of India in 2016. MNLU Mumbai has been selected by the DPIIT as one of the 12 universities/organizations for setting up IPR Chairs in the country.

Centre For Research In Intellectual Property (CRIP)

The Centre for Research in Intellectual Property is the focus of Intellectual Property research at the Maharashtra National Law University Mumbai. The main objective of the Centre is to lead research and promote well-informed interdisciplinary work in the area of intellectual property law, policy, and practice through rigorous academic research, the presence of high-quality researchers, and conducting seminars, workshops, and conferences.

Centre For Research In Air And Space Law

MNLU Mumbai established a Centre for Research in Air & Space Law to work towards becoming an ideal forum for the exchange of ideas on the international law applicable to implementing international air and space law. It shall be a centre for advanced research for those practicing or studying international aerospace law. The Centre shall engage in improving the existing legal and policy framework for the facilitation and regulation of a safe, secure, affordable, and sustainable space and to contribute to the shaping of the legal foundation for the future of humanity that lies in space.

About The Workshop

Space law has witnessed rapid developments since the 19th century when space exploration was first undertaken. Since then, there have been significant advances in space science and technology, and as a result, there are many challenges that require judicial overview. Space law is now a separate branch of international law having legal principles, treaties, and conventions governing the laws including areas such as space exploration, liabilities, rescue and return, insurance, satellite, intellectual property rights, etc. This workshop focuses on intellectual property rights with regard to space activities. In recent years, space activities have been undertaken and conducted by states as well as private organizations. In such circumstances, it is important to analyze the intellectual property rights available to the states and such private organizations. There is no proper and express regulation regarding the same.

Protecting IPRs is important to promote innovation and research and development as it leads to the overall development and growth of nations, and thus, this workshop seeks to provide a panel to learners and researchers for academic discussions and exchange of thoughts, expression, creativity, and innovation. The workshop also aims to examine the concerns of satellite signal piracy as well as the unauthorized distribution and interception of radio transmissions. Considering that the signals are transmitted over wide geographical areas, there may be many incidences of intentional or accidental interceptions. The role of the ITU and the extent of liability in such cases shall also be discussed.

Thus, due to globalization and new business opportunities, it is important to analyze the legal regime governing IPR in space activities. Space law is an international law discipline that is uniform for all states but IPRs are regulated differently across states and, thus, it is a challenge to have a uniform IP law regime.

Intrested Participants

The Workshop will benefit the participants from various segments of the IP community, viz., MSMEs, Startups, industry sector, policymakers, Government officials, IP lawyers, legal practitioners, researchers, students, and academicians. The workshop will also benefit researchers, students, and academics involved in the interdisciplinary research of space law and technology.

The workshop will have discussions focusing on the following thematic areas:

  • Registration of space objects
  • Space sovereignty, territory, and access to space exploration
  • Inventions made in the space station and national security concerns
  • Issue of Piracy and unauthorized interception of satellite signals and role of ITU
  • Patenting and licensing of space objects and satellites
  • IPR in satellite broadcasting and remote sensing activity
  • Future of trademark and industrial designs in space tourism
  • Uniform intellectual property rights for Space activities


WebEx Link:

The Deadline For Registration is 24 March 2022


Maharashtra National Law University Mumbai

2nd Floor, CETTM-MTNL Building, Technology St, Hiranandani Gardens, Powai, Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400076

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