Detrimental to Interest of Inhabitants of Village: Punjab & Haryana High Court Quashes Govt Order for Exchange of Gram Panchayat Land - The Law Communicants
The Law Communicants

Alternative Dispute Resolution & Its Importance

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Alternative Dispute Resolution                                                                    Written by: K. RAJEEV REDDY Introduction Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is a term used to describe several different modes of resolving legal disputes.…

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Environmental Laws and the Impact of Judicial Pronouncements in Promoting Environmental Concerns
Environmental Laws and the Impact of Judicial Pronouncements in Promoting Environmental Concerns

Environmental Laws and the Impact of Judicial Pronouncements in Promoting Environmental Concerns

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Environmental Laws and the Impact of Judicial Pronouncements in Promoting Environmental Concerns Written By: Ms Ashima Mishra The environment is the only factor that is…

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Compensation and Restitution to the Victim: Justice to Victims (Principle Of Compensatory Jurisprudence)

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Compensation and Restitution to the Victim: Justice to Victims Written by: Gogula Madhavi Lakshmi Introduction Crime is steadily increasing in present times; it not only…

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