Rise of Police Brutality and Need For better Control Measures in Recent times

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Police Brutality and Need For better Control Measures

Written By: Koel Das


Police brutality is an offence that is a violation of the civil rights of an individual. The brutality done by the police occurs when a police officer acts with excessive force by using more amount of force towards civilian or public or an individual which is not necessary. Excessive force by law enforcement officers is a violation of a person’s right. It comes under police corruption which is a misconduct of the police officer in enforcing the law and misses their power to suppress the local people.

When did police brutality start?

The ‘term’ police brutality was first used in Britain in the mid -19th century, with The Puppet-Show (a short-lived rival to punch) complaining in September 1848.

History of police brutality

Police brutality has historically been perpetrated against individuals in lower socioeconomic levels and the socially marginalized, commencing with worker strikes in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Police brutality was permitted against citizens who challenged big industries. Police brutality was used to oppress labour strikes. Also, police would brutalize working-class people and arrest them without cause. Police brutality was also a common occurrence during the civil rights era when activists would be sprayed down with water hoses and attacked by police dogs.

Reason of rise police brutality

Police brutality is a real

The problem in the United States, and this year has shown just how dangerous it can be. Unfortunately, there are numerous causes behind this, and with few officers being held accountable the causes have not been adequately addressed.

The causes and issues contributing to the incidence of police misconduct are numerous and complex, and in many instances, probably not entirely understood. Some of the problems we see that contribute to a culture of police misconduct include improper training and a lack of accountability.

  1.  Inadequate Institutionalized Training- It’s necessary for law enforcement to ensure there are constant updates to training methods to ensure that officers are focused on the safe detainment and using only reasonably necessary force. Without proper training and changes, many law enforcement officers will maintain the same thought process that results in countless police brutality cases today.
  2. Lack Of Accountable and prosecution- Did you know that  roughly 99% of police killing cases pass without the officer being charged and prosecuted? While many shootings are justified, a 99% justification rate for fatally shooting a member of the public raises legitimate questions as to whether officers are being held to account.
  3. Oval stress of the Job- In some cases, acts of police brutality are caused by the stress of the job. If the law enforcement officers or agency as whole views members of the public as unsympathetic or even hostile to their role, they may act out of stress in a tense situation. Police officers should have a confident in which they can confide regarding the trials of their job and should not become isolated as a general rule.


The suggestion is divided into five underlying themes. The themes are based on 5 main stakeholders who can help in combating police brutality. They are the Government, the Society, the judiciary, the law enforcement, and the media. The causes of these infuriate acts of policemen are because of the lack of anger management which results in issues that the policeman are facing difficulty to deal with, or of the pressure from the top-level management including the political pressure to close or resolve the cases as fast as possible, or, to fulfil the propagandas of political parties. Hence, a pressing need for amendments and the introduction of stickers law to strengthen the protection of citizens from the cruel and outrageous acts of the police.

  • Government- the role played by government in this scenario is of utmost  importance because the police department comes under the state and Union territories respectively.
    1. Appointment of more female officers. A study has shown that the presence of female officers reduces the fear of the use of force and attracts less excessive force allegations.
    2. Organizing seminars quarterly to emphasize on the need to respect Human rights.
    3. Appointing psychology to analyze the main reason why police officers act so brutally towards innocent people.
    4. Human Rights as a subject should be taught in elementary schools to make it easy for citizens to understand the gravity of these activities and to understand what is the right thing to do.
  • Society – it is important that Society does not become bystanders of such crimes and take some actions against it. Police brutality is not limited to police stations, there are people killed in open spaces in front of Spectors. The fact that police officers are praised for such acts because it matches with the perceived notions of society with that of a sect of citizens is detrimental. Human lives and dignity are above and beyond the plane of animal existence. The society should make sure that these officers do not go unattended. There should be more inclusive responsibilities of the citizens of the country to make sure that the laws are obeyed in its full sense. The citizens should also be given opportunities to propose their ideas on how to combat it.
  • Judiciary – The courts have indeed played their part by formulating directions to combat it, outlining guidelines to make sure that Fundamental Rights are not violated, and pronouncing landmark judgements where the acts of police brutality were held violated of Article 21 of the Indian Constitution, and made sure that the laws are accepted in its full spirit and any violation is punished. Yet they cannot sit back and let the rights violation. Further, these cases should be dealt by Fast Track Courts to make sure that justice is not delayed. It is pertinent that through the inherent powers vested in the courts, it may hold the officers liable for such brutal acts by going above and beyond the realms of law while protecting human rights. The court should also review the policies and law covering the sect which are redundant now and make them more inclusive as per the current situation.
  • Law Enforcement – Their role is to make sure that the guidelines and laws are followed properly. Instances where police officers hide the wrongs of their superior and where they fail to register poper complaints against their colleagues should be discouraged. Further, if there is any deviance observed by any Officer,  there should be flexibility and freedom given to all the officers to report this to the higher authority without fearing any repercussions. More inclusivity is much needed.
  • Media – Media is relied on by all the citizens, be it social media or news channels. Therefore, it is very important that they highlight their achievements. Due recognition motivates the officer to do the right thing, the right way. However, this does not mean that the acts of police brutality should not be reported. Along with these incidents, it should also promote civic sense, national spirit, and humanism among the people as well as the police.


police officers are given a great deal of latitude in performing Their duties.  Because they are expected to protect the public and confront potentially violent individuals, they can legally use physical,  and even deadly force under certain circumstances. However, an officer who uses force when it is not called for,  or who uses more force than expected to perform his or her job, may cross the line into police brutality. In these kinds of instances,  people often sue for an excessive police force. The police officer must protect their citizens and should not brutality beat them.

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